Welcome to MIC Treatment and Maintenance

Are you sure that your Fire Sprinkler system will actually work after one, five or ten or more years?  Are you sure it will even work properly right now?

You can’t be sure unless you know your system

is free of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion or MIC. Over the last thirty years Oxygen Corrosion has been found to be a major contributing force in corrosion of wet, dry and pre-action fire sprinkler systems.

If you want to take a proactive approach to maintaining your fire protection system or if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, then please contact MIC Treatment & Maintenance today.



What causes MIC?

The presence of oxygen, trapped within air pockets in a fire sprinkler system and dissolved in the water itself, along with other dissolved nutrients and iron from the pipe walls create the perfect environment for Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion. A small amount of oxidation corrosion can be enough to allow several different types of bacteria to come together and create a colony and start the cycle of MIC.

The symbiotic relationship of the bacteria that make up a MIC colony creates a multi-pronged attack on fire sprinkler systems that can result in leaking pipes, restricted water flow and obstructed heads. The action of the colony can only be stopped if steps are taken to inhibit their formation and break their life cycle. MIC can return if a system is not properly monitored and maintained.



Our Service Area

MIC Treatment and Maintenance provides prompt service to all of Southern California and Arizona.

If you are outside of our regular service area – contact us anyway! We have the capability to test for and treat Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion anywhere in the U.S. through our network of service partners.

Located in Huntington Beach, CA we are the only company in Southern California whose primary focus is testing, treating and maintaining fire sprinkler systems for MIC.